Fairfield Finance, 38 Kingswood Road, London W4 5ET
Telephone - 0208 747 9590
If you would prefer us to discuss these matters with you securely and privately then please call us on 020 8747 9590.
We always aim to provide a high quality service to our customers. However, if you encounter any problems and we are unable to resolve them you can take your complaint to an independent Ombudsman.
Our advice is covered under the Financial Ombudsman Service www.http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/consumer/complaints.htm.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
There may be a fee for advice given, the exact amount will depend on upon your individual circumstances.
Fairfield Finance is an Appointed Representative of Mortgage Intelligence which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under number 305330, in respect of mortgage,
insurance, and consumer credit mediation activities only.